At Home Skin Care routine | GreenStory

How To One of the frequent questions that we receive is how do I use these products? In this section, Helen will go over step-by-step how to use SkinTech products, the order of application, and its benefits. At the bottom of this page is a PDF of written instructions that you may download.

Korean Beauty 10 Step Skin Care Routine – Elle

Ever wondered why? It’s because Koreans tend to view caring for their complexion as the ultimate investment, worthy of not only their money, but even more so their time. In fact, many perform an intricate 10-step cleansing and moisturizing routineevery single night. Charlotte Cho, curator and co-founder of Soko Glam , an e-commerce destination that retails popular Korean beauty products stateside, gives insight on how to get perfect skin in 10 (steps, that is).

Skin Care Routine❄️ – 5secondsof1ell

If you like herbal thing then go for milk, cream yogurt/ sour curd or honey. They are great as a cleanser. Gently rub that to skin for a minute and Wash off with water. Always cleanse with warm water because cold water doesnt dissolve and take away embedded dirt and grime as well as lukewarm water. Exfoliate: Take your preferred facial scrub with your fingertips or a soft sponge or a facial brush if you have. Apply it using gentle circular massaging strokes and moving upward on the face and neck.

That’s 221 more than September and 244 more than August! Thank you so much I love you all! So first in the morning I use a Tee Tree wipe to clean my face before using the Clean & Clear morning energy daily facial scrub; which scrubs all of the dead skin off your face. I then moisturise my face with the Simple moisturiser before applying my makeup. At night I use more products than in the morning. I first use nu skin indonesia another Tea Tree wipe to get the majority of my makeup off nu skin jakarta before using the Garnier Micellar Water with a cotton pad.